Plaquenil e idrossiclorochina review

Diversamente da altre malattie reumatiche, nell'Artrite Reumatoide il cortisone produce un soddisfacente beneficio anche a basse dosi comportandosi praticamente come un farmaco di fondo. Gli effetti collaterali causati dal cortisone sono infatti dose-dipendenti e quindi a bassi dosaggi le probabilità che si verifichino sono minori. Gli effetti indesiderati più frequenti sono comunque rappresentati da iperglicemia, ipertensione arteriosa, osteoporosi, fragilità vasale presenza di piccole macchie violacee sulla pelle.

II diabete non rappresenta una controindicazione assoluta.

Il trattamento dell'osteoartrosi - Informazioni sui farmaci

Lo stesso vale per l'ipertensione arteriosa, purché sia ben controllata dalla terapia. In questa categoria sono compresi i sali d'oro, I'idrossiclorochina, la sulfasalazina, la ciclosporina A, il methotrexate, la leflunomide ed i farmaci biologici. Alcuni di essi agiscono dopo alcuni mesi, mentre altri, come il methotrexate e la leflunomide, si dimostrano attivi già dopo alcune settimane di trattamento settimane.

Quando questi farmaci, somministrati singolarmente, non danno il beneficio desiderato possono essere usati in combinazione. Weinberger M. Can the provision of information to patients with osteoarthritis improve functional status? A randomised, controlled trial. Rene J et al. Reduction of joint pain in patients with knee osteoarthritis who have received monthly telephone calls from lay personnel and whose medical treatment regimens have remained stable. Van Baar ME et al. Effectiveness of exercise therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee: a systematic review of randomized clinical trial.

La Mantia K et al. The efficacy of aerobic exercises for treating osteoarthritis of the knee. Puett DW et al. Published trials of non-medical and non-invasive therapies for hip and knee osteoarthritis. Minor MA et al.


Efficacy of physical conditioning in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and ostheoarthritis. Deyle GD et al. Effectiveness of manual physical therapy and exercise in osteoarthritis of the knee: a randomized, controlled trial. O'Reilly SC et al. Effectiveness of home exercise on pain and disability from osteoarthritis of the knee: a randomised controlled trial. Ettinger WH et al.

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A randomized trial comparing aerobic exercise and resistance exercise with a health education program on older adults with knee osteoarthritis. The fitness arthritis and seniors trial FAST. Walker-Bone K et al. Medical management of osteoarthritis. Kovar PA et al. Supervised fitness walking in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. A randomised controlled trial.

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Allegrante JP et al. A walking education program for patients with osteoarthritis of the knee: theory and intervention strategies. Reduction in osteoarthritis using phentermine. Felson DT et al. Weight loss reduces the risk for symptomatic knee osteoarthritis in women. The Framingham Study. Nonpharmacologic therapy of osteoarthritis. Up To Date 9. Taylor P et al.

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  7. Treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. Zizic TM et al. The treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. Lewis B et al. The comparative analgesic efficacy of the transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulators and a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug for painful osteoarthritis.

    Christensen BV et al. Acupuncture treatment of severe knee osteoarthritis. A long-term study. Weiheng O et al. Treating osteoarthritis of the knee joint by traditional Chinese medicine. Ernest E et al. Acupuncture as a symptomatic treatment of osteoarthritis. A systematic review. NIH Conference. Osteoarthritis: New Insights. Part 2 Treatment Approaches.

    Falconer J et al. Effect of the ultrasound on mobility in osteoarthritis of the knee. A randomized clinical trial. The effects of physiotherapy on osteoarthritic knees of females. J Formos Med Assoc ; 90 : Towheed T et al. Osteoarthritis: a sistematic review of randomized controlled trials of analgesia and antinflammatory therapy in osteoarthritis of the hip.

    Artrite reumatoide: i farmaci

    The Cochrane Library , Issue 4, A sistematic review of randomized controlled trials of pharmacological therapy in osteoarthritis of the knee, with an emphasis on trial methodology. Bradley JD et al. Comparison of an anti-inflammatory dose of ibuprofen, and analgesic dose of ibuprofen, and acetaminophen in the treatment of patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. Williams HJ et al. Comparison of naproxen and acetarninophen in a two-year study of treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee. Hungin APS et al. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: overused or underused in osteoarthrosis?
